Friday, August 17, 2007

ukraine and austria, by randy

1) polaroid placed on rugged sign outdoors (Belagorsk, Crimean penninsula Ukraine)
I only got a few of these shots cause we were on a mountain pass near belagorsk and just as I started taking the pictures our driver said we had to go cause the vehicle was overheating. The trees around the sign were filled with torn cloth that were tide to the branches by people who thought the place was beautiful. there was a spring there with clear clean water and a couple passing through on their way to the black sea.

2) polaroid on placed on glass door to a store (Kiev, Ukraine)
I had alot of time in airport in kiev to watch people. Before I left the airport I saw a little kid who looked lost put his hands and face on the window just before he started crying and then ran off.

Vienna Austria

3) polaroid in an alley with a view of the street. (close to St Stephens Platz, vienna)
While I was in vienna I was sick but I didnt let that stop me from wandering around the city. this is the view from a quiet cafe in an alley close to St. Stephens cathedral where I found the most amazing free bathroom. I was very thankful here

4) polaroid on glass with people standing behind (vienna subway)
I put this one up on the subway at the beginning on the line and took it to the end all the while watching people interact with the photo

5) polaroid on white background (hostel huttledorf, vienna)
I was extremely sick this last day in vienna. I stayed in bed most of the day and missed a mozart concert. I'm afraid I wasnt very adventurous so I wandered as far as I dared and put it up as an act of defiance against the sickness